Old Tamil Poetry

Translations of Tamil Poetic works that span 2000 years

Kurunthokai 166

As cool waves of the sea displace fish in backwaters
Flocks of stork too move where the fish moved;
Such a pleasant town is Marandhai;
But when one is alone, it causes much anguish.

தண் கடற் படு திரை பெயர்த்தலின், வெண் பறை
நாரை நிரை பெயர்ந்து அயிரை ஆரும்,
ஊரோ நன்றுமன், மரந்தை;
ஒரு தனி வைகின், புலம்பு ஆகின்றே.

She is pining for him as her parents keep her home bound and she is unable to meet him in the seashore as planned. Her friend consoles her saying “This town of Marandhai is a pleasant seaside town. When the sea waves push back the fish in back waters, storks that roam the seashore too move to where the fish has gone. Similarly he too will find a way to come and meet you even though you are unable to go to the seashore. This pleasant town causes much anguish when one is alone and separated from their love. He won’t let you suffer but will come and meet you”

தண் – cool
திரை – waves
பெயர்த்தலின் -(as it) moves away / displaces
நாரை – stork
அயிரை – loach fish
வைகின் – (if) passes
புலம்பு – sorrow

Kurunthokai 63

You think of going out and making money
As pleasure and generosity aren’t for those who lack wealth;
But will that dusky girl too come along with me
Or are you pushing me alone, tell me, my heart!

‘ஈதலும் துய்த்தலும் இல்லோர்க்கு இல்’ எனச்
செய் வினை கைம்மிக எண்ணுதி; அவ் வினைக்கு
அம் மா அரிவையும் வருமோ?
எம்மை உய்த்தியோ? உரைத்திசின்- நெஞ்சே!

He has to leave her and go away to earn money. But he is torn between love and duty. So he chides his heart saying ” You say it is the duty of a man to earn money because only then he can be generous to others and also enjoy the pleasures of this life. I agree. But leaving her alone and going away hurts me. If she too comes along with me, it will be good. But you are pushing me to go alone, my heart”

Thirukkural 675

பொருள்கருவி காலம்வினையிடனோ

டைந்துமிருடீர வெண்ணிச் செயல்.

Resources, tools, time, deed and place –

Consider these five carefully and then act.

பொருள், கருவி, காலம், வினை, இடனொடு ஐந்தும்

இருள் தீர எண்ணிச் செயல்!.

Before proceeding to do a job, think carefully about the resources and tools you have, the right time to act, nature of the job and the place of action. Proceed with the job only when you have clarity about these five.

பொருள் – Resource

கருவி – Tool

காலம் – Time (to act)

வினை – Job / deed

இடன் – இடம் – place (of act)

இருள் தீர – without doubt

எண்ணி – think

செயல் – Act

Puranaanooru – 242

Youth won’t adorn themselves with you;
Nor bangled lasses pluck and gather you;
The bard won’t gently bend your stem
with the bow of his harp to pluck and wear you;
Nor the songstress sport you in her hair;
Why do you still bloom in this Ollaiyur*, O Jasmine,
Even after your chief, the majestic spear bearing Satthan
Who felled many a foe valorously is no more?

*Ollaiyur – supposed to be the town of Oliyamangalam in present day Pudukkottai district

இளையோர் சூடார்; வளையோர் கொய்யார்;
நல் யாழ் மருப்பின் மெல்ல வாங்கி,
பாணன் சூடான்; பாடினி அணியாள்;
ஆண்மை தோன்ற ஆடவர்க் கடந்த
வல் வேல் சாத்தன் மாய்ந்த பின்றை
முல்லையும் பூத்தியோ, ஒல்லையூர் நாட்டே?

The poet comes to the town of Ollaiyur which has recently lost its chief Satthan who was famous for his valorous deeds in battlefield. The whole town is in mourning. The poet sees a Jasmine creeper bloom incongruously in the mourning town. So he asks the Jasmine “The whole town is in mourning because of the death of the majestic spear bearing Satthan. Youth are listless and will not adorn themselves with flowers. The dainty girls overcome with grief are not going to pluck you from the creeper. Bards who used to frequent the town to sing the praise of Satthan will not gently bend your stem with the bow of their harp and pluck you to wear in their hair. Songstresses too are grief stricken and will not beautify themselves with you. So for whom do you bloom in this town, O Jasmine?”

Nattrinai – 172

(Her friend telling him to formalize the relationship instead of simply meeting secretively)

While playing with friends,
We planted a laurel tree seed
In fine white sand
And forgot about it;
But it sprouted forth
And we nourished it
With butter and milk
Till it grew up to be a fine tree;
And our mom would praise it saying
“Your sister is far better than you”;
So my friend feels shy
To meet with you under this tree;
O’ lord of the shore
That is filled with white conches
That sound like the music of bards!
There are other places that provide shade
Where you can be one with her!

விளையாடு ஆயமொடு வெண் மணல் அழுத்தி,
மறந்தனம் துறந்த காழ் முளை அகைய
நெய் பெய் தீம் பால் பெய்து இனிது வளர்ப்ப
நும்மினும் சிறந்தது நுவ்வை ஆகும் என்று
அன்னை கூறினள் புன்னையது நலனே
அம்ம நாணுதும், நும்மொடு நகையே,
விருந்தின் பாணர் விளர் இசை கடுப்ப
வலம்புரி வான் கோடு நரலும் இலங்கு நீர்த்
துறை கெழு கொண்க! நீ நல்கின்,
நிறைபடு நீழல் பிறவுமார் உளவே.

He is asking her friend to arrange for a meeting under the laurel tree near their hamlet. Her friend wants to tell him that it is better for him to formalize their relationship instead of meeting secretively outside the village. So she tells him “My lord! That laurel tree is like a sister to us. While playing together as children we had dropped a seed in the sand and forgot about it. But it sprouted up on its own. We felt kinship towards it and nourished it with butter and milk. Our mom too mocks us saying ‘Look at your sister. She is far better than you’. So my friend feels shy to meet you under the gaze of the laurel tree that is like our sister. Your shores are filled with conches that sound like the music of bards My lord. There are other places that provide shade where you can meet her”

She implies that you better formalize your relationship and take her to your house instead of meeting secretively. Conch is sounded on wedding day as an auspicious sound.

Naanmanik Kadigai – 41

At the time of birth life doesn’t turn back even if ordered
At the time of death it doesn’t stay back even if ordered;
If Goddess of wealth wills, wealth will multiply on its own
When she leaves, things will vanish

பிறக்குங்கால் பேரெனவும் பேரா இறக்குங்கால்
நில்லெனவும் நில்லா உயிரெனைத்தும் – நல்லாள்
உடம்படின் தானே பெருகுங் – கெடும்பொழுதில்
கண்டனவுங் காணாக் கெடும்.

In this verse the poet brings a fatalistic attitude towards life and wealth. When a life is born, even if orders it to turn back it will still be born. Nothing in this world can stop life. Similarly at the time of death, when one orders life to stay back, it will not. Nothing in this world can stop death. Similarly, if Goddess of wealth looks favourably at a person, their wealth will multiply on its own even without them doing anything. But when she leaves, all things that were in front of their eyes too will leave. In essence, what is to happen will happen. No one can stop it.

பேரா – will not go back
நல்லாள் – good lady – Goddess of wealth
உடம்படின் – if she is amenable
கெடும் – leave

Nammalvaar – 2987

These, that and those things;
this , that and those persons;
All things and all persons
He contains in himself
And protects all that He creates –
That peerless Lord Kannan
, my nectar,
Connoisseur and consort of Lakshmi,
Is by my side forever.

இவையும் அவையும் உவையும்  இவரும் அவரும் உவரும்
எவையும் யவரும் தன்னுள்ளே ஆகியுமாக்கியுங்காக்கும்
அவையுள் தனிமுதலெம்மான் கண்ணபிரானென்னமுதம்
சுவையன் திருவின்மணாளன் என்னுடைச் சூழலுளானே

Kalingathup Parani 26

O’ women who caress imaginary nail marks in your breasts
That Kulothungan made last night in your dreams
And think joyfully “his love is entirely mine now”!
Please open your

எனத டங்கஇனி வளவ துங்கனருள்
எனம கிழ்ந்துஇரவு கனவிடைத்
தனத டங்கள்மிசை நகந டந்தகுறி
தடவு வீர்கடைகள் திறமினோ.

In this poem, the poet asks the women to open their doors and hear the valour of the Chola army. The women who are in love with the King Kulothunga Cholan dream that they made love to him in the night and are happy thinking “He is mine now”. They are so taken up with this illusion that they caress imaginary nail marks in their breasts that they think was made during previous night’s love making. They are still stuck in their dreams. The poet asks them to come out of their dreams and open their doors.

Kalingathu p Parani is a short literary work (சிற்றிலக்கியம்) written by Poet Jayamkondar in 12th century. It is written in praise of Kulothunga Cholan’s general Karunakara Thondaiman who invaded and conquered Kalinga country (present day Orissa). Poems 21-74 are the bard calling the women of Kanchi (present day Kancheepuram, the town of Karunakara Thondaiman) to open their doors and hear the valor of their hero. These 54 poems are erotic in nature. The next chapters of the work are gory descriptions of battle field and the ghosts getting together for a feast of dead bodies.

Parani is a form of poetic work that is sung in praise of a warrior. It is generally named after the battle. Since this about the battle of Kalinga, it is called Kalingathup Parani.

எனதடங்க – எனது அடங்க – entirely mine
வளவன் – Chola King
துங்கன்- Kulothungan
அருள் – grace / love
கனவு – dream
தனம் – breasts
நக நடந்த குறி – marks made by nails
கடை – door
திறமின் – open

Thirumurai 11.007.01

What’s the colour of shining gold
Is the colour of my Lord’s body;
What’s the dazzling colour of lightning
Is the colour of his flowing locks;
What’s the colour of silver peaked mountain
Is the colour of his majestic bull;
What’s my colour once I sighted Lord Shiva?
(With lovesickness), it became pale just like his.

பொன்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
மேனி; பொலிந்திலங்கும்
மின்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
வீழ்சடை; வெள்ளிக்குன்றம்
தன்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
மால்விடை; தன்னைக்கண்ட
என்வண்ணம் எவ்வண்ணம் அவ்வண்ணம்
ஆகிய ஈசனுக்கே.

In this poem by Cheraman Perumal Nayanar, he talks of a girl who fell in love with Lord Shiva after worshipping him. She says “His body is of the colour that is the colour of shining gold. His ashen coloured flowing hair is the colour of lightning that dazzles eyes. Nandi, the majestic bull that he rides, is in white colour of silver peaked mountains. After seeing my Lord Shiva, love sickness spread all over my body and my colour too turned pale white just like his.”

Shiva is portrayed as white in colour. So she says with love sickness white pallor is spreading across my body and I am turning just like him. I am becoming one with him.

The repetitive use of the word வண்ணம் – colour adds to the cadence of the poem. A similar usage can be found in Kamba Ramayanam but with multiple meanings of வண்ணம்

‘இவ்வண்ணம் நிகழ்ந்த வண்ணம்;
இனி. இந்த உலகுக்கு எல்லாம்
உய்வண்ணம் அன்றி. மற்று ஓர்
துயர் வண்ணம் உறுவது உண்டோ?
மை வண்ணத்து அரக்கி போரில்.
மழை வண்ணத்து அண்ணலே! உன்
கை வண்ணம் அங்குக் கண்டேன்;
கால் வண்ணம் இங்குக் கண்டேன்

Kannadasan, the great lyricist whose birthday it is today, used the same pattern in a movie song.
பால் வண்ணம்
பருவம் கண்டு வேல்
வண்ணம் விழிகள் கண்டு
மான் வண்ணம் நான்
கண்டு வாடுகிறேன்

கண் வண்ணம்
அங்கே கண்டேன் கை
வண்ணம் இங்கே கண்டேன்
பெண் வண்ணம் நோய்
கொண்டு வாடுகிறேன்

பொன் – gold
வண்ணம் – colour
மேனி – body
பொலிந்து – brightly
இலங்கும் – shine
வீழ்சடை – flowing hair lock
வெள்ளிக்குன்றம் – sliver mountain
மால் – great
விடை – bull

Naaladiyaar – 21

Even those who were perched atop an elephant,
with their heads protected by a parasol
Like the moon that appears on a mountain top,
Are scorned as ‘They were laid down on the ground’;
No one in this world ever escapes this fate.

மலைமிசைத் தோன்றும் மதியம்போல் யானைத்
தலைமிசைக் கொண்ட குடையர் – நிலமிசைத்
துஞ்சினார் என்றெடுத்துத் தூற்றப்பட்ட டாரல்லால்
எஞ்சினார் இவ்வுலகத் தில்.

This Naaladiyaar poem is about impermanence of life. Even the rulers of this world, who were perched on top of an elephant with their heads covered by their royal parasols (that look like white moon appearing on top of a mountain) are laid down on the ground once they are dead. The world will scorn them as such. No one in this world escapes this fate. So do good while you are alive.

Mountain is the simile for Elephant and the Moon for Royal Parasol/ Canopy.

மலை – mountain
மிசை – top
மதி – Moon
குடையர் – Ones with a Parasol
நிலம் – ground
துஞ்சினார் – slept / laid down
தூற்றப் பட்டார் – scorned / talked about derisively
எஞ்சினார் – those who remain / escaped this fate
இல் – none

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